In-Person Classes

We offer classes regularly, twice per month, with tickets available below, as well as recorded classes so you can learn how to make gorgeous (and tasty) designs on your own time.

To schedule a private cookie-decorating event for your social group or company, see the form below.


Make (delicious) memories

Meet new friends, share baking tips, and leave with a box full of edible masterpieces.

Don't miss out on this deliciously delightful experience - join our cookie decorating classes now and make sweet memories that will last a lifetime.

Guaranteed the most fun you’ve ever had decorating cookies!


In-Person Class Tickets

View the available dates for classes below. If you do not see an available date that works for you, sign up for our email list to be informed of upcoming classes and events.


Check out our online courses available for

purchase and immediate viewing



Private Cookie-Decorating Classes

Schedule a private class for your holiday, social event, or corporate team building by filling out the form below.